Open Invitation - Elphinstone Recruitment

Monday, June 20th, 2022 at 8 PM PST we invite you (yes you!) to join us while we answer your questions! We have invited C.A.R.D. leaders from all over the lower mainland to chat about why they got involved with C.A.R.D., how this all started, and all things consent. We would love for you to join our community, so save the date!

C.A.R.D. Elphinstone
Monday, 20 June · 8:00 – 9:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

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Read on to learn a bit about becoming a C.A.R.D. student leader and what we can do for you. Also feel free to peak around our website to get some more information (we have some blog posts answering the questions the students at Elphinstone Secondary ask us the most).

What is C.A.R.D.? 

Consent And Respect Discussions (C.A.R.D.) is a team of leaders who are passionate about consent education. This includes the laws of consent, and how to handle situations in which consent would be needed. This extends from everyday encounters to sex. Our goal is to aid youths’ confidence in their ability to advocate for their bodily autonomy as well as destigmatizing consent conversations. 

C.A.R.D. was founded in 2018 by two high school students, Makayla Hastings and Chloe Pretchuk. They were exasperated by the toxic consent culture in their school and community. They noticed that there was inadequate education on the nuances of consent in school. They decided that if they wanted comprehensive consent education, they would have to create the program themselves. 

What Gaps Does C.A.R.D. fill in Sex Ed?

Unlike a traditional sexual education program, C.A.R.D. is not a third-party program, a teacher, or a nurse. The program lives in the school and is run by the student body. The students are not only the audience, but students are also the instructors. Leaders have ongoing education opportunities through the C.A.R.D. community where they can discuss tough topics with the founders, C.A.R.D. alumni, and other trained leaders. The team is trained by sexual health professionals and works in collaboration with Shift Education to deliver comprehensive and accurate information. The leaders are actively learning alongside the students creating rich and mutually satisfying conversations amongst peers.

C.A.R.D. departs from typical lecture education. We provide conversation-style lessons wherein the leaders present a mix of facts, questions, and discussion topics that the group works through together. By working through tough topics with peers, students reported feeling more comfortable asking questions and engaging in conversations in comparison to alternative sexual education programs.

So you want to become a C.A.R.D. leader…

C.A.R.D. is looking for diligent and intrinsically motivated leaders in grade 10 and up. Leaders should have a passion for consent education, but no previous sex ed or consent knowledge is required. We offer in-class and on-the-job training, as well as shadow experience to help leaders feel confident and competent. Teaching consent is a rewarding experience but it also requires quick thinking and level-headedness. Everyone has a different experience with consent knowledge, therefore leaders need to be able to approach students with kindness and respect. C.A.R.D. is always looking for new leaders and team members!

What can C.A.R.D. do for you?

C.A.R.D. offers a plethora of opportunities for young people in the job market. There is a role in C.A.R.D. for every skill set, including non-public speaking opportunities. Members can receive references and volunteer hours. Leaders and team members get to develop communication skills, garner teaching and leadership experience, and critical thinking skills. Everyone gets to be part of a community of equally passionate individuals. You will receive mentorship and training throughout your time with C.A.R.D. As a member, you get to have a lasting impact on your community and become confident in your leadership skills!

If this sounds like something you are interested join us on Monday, June 20th at 8 PM PST to chat about the future of C.A.R.D. at Elphinstone Secondary and how you can be a part of it!

C.A.R.D. Elphinstone
Monday, 20 June · 8:00 – 9:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

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